Jealousy? What's that?
I've come across this word "Jealousy".
what exactly does it mean?
Does it mean having a cycle and wanting a bike?
Does it mean owning a nintendo 3DS and wanting a console?
Does it mean getting less marks than 90% of your country?
No my friend,all this is not Jealousy.Though the definition of Jealousy changes from person to person, this word is the strongest word in the english language.
Everything is connected to jealousy.
Working day and night for that college admission you wanted, is because of the jealousy induced in you by someone.
Working overtime to buy that car?Jealousy.
Hitting the gym 3 times a week?Jealousy.
But what is the difference between envy and jealousy?
Now imagine this,
You know the theory of relativity.
You know the space-time continuum.
You know the einstein-rosen bridge theory.
But, here comes the "envy" part,
You happen to be really smart but, end up losing in every single thing in life you can think of because,no one cares about the theory of relativity.
All they care about , is how reflex actions work and how light passes through raindrops to form colorful rainbows because that's going to save the human race someday.
We are on the verge of sending humans to Mars but still 2 centuries behind on Education.
This education system teaches you to get yourself killed in 12 solid years.
This education system teaches you to envy and feel the pain run through your blood.
This education system teaches you to not learn and become smart but restrict your mind to a box.
And you might be wondering, what happens to the few that choose to go out of the box and are smarter than the others?
They die.
As simple as that,all because you didn't follow the bunch of cows.
But destiny is destiny.If you are smarter,a better destiny awaits you,
"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road."
-stephen hawking
makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Think about it.
This post was to condole the death of one the worlds greatest minds, Sir Stephen Hawking.
Thank you.
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