Losing Wordpress

Okay lets face it guys. Wordpress is the worlds most used blog hosting service. But there is something that Wordpress isn't really good at, which happens to be security.
Now, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, security is defined as:

 measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape

In this case, we are dealing with highly professional hackers who are powerful and knowledgeable enough to hack into the US power grid. 

so, what do we do? 

We are going to learn how and why they do it. 

An average day on wordpress sees around 500,000 views new posts .

How do they hack it? 

41%- hosting and PC malware

29%- Themes

8%- weak passwords like "helloDaddy" 

22%- Plugins which are not verified 

Why do they hack "your" stuff? 

1. For Status in society 

2. To get useful data from you 

3.For fun, because who would not want to ruin competition? 

4.To eliminate you, as in killing your blog and bringing it to a state of dilapidation. 

5.To place Ads and links on your site so that they get revenue for it instead of you.

6.Steal passwords. Blogs are linked to your Email accounts and once they get into your blog, they can get into your Email account too.
( take it from someone who has prowess in this) 

How much time and money does it take to recover the blog completely? 

  • It will take you 1 day to figure out what happened
  • Another day will be utilized to understand solely the purpose behind this 
  • 3 days minimum to clean the blog and whatever device is associated with this for security reasons. now you don't want the person to come knocking on your door with hacking malware again, do you? 
  • Approximately $100 (or) 6,540 Rs. for technical help from a security company.
  • Even after all this, there is only a 75% chance of recovery of the blog and no one can guarantee that this will not happen again.
  • The most important part is that you will lose visitors because nobody will be interested in following a hacked blog. 

How can you prevent this? 

  • Backup regularly: store everything possible in a local drive so that even if your data is lost, you can host another blog and post all the same content on there.
  • Update wordpress: Keep updating wordpress regularly as wordpress rolls out a new glitch (loophole) free version in every single update 
  •  Avoid themes from untrusted sources: Use only trusted sources for downloading themes and using because downloading themes from fake websites can well be defined as walking into your own grave. (Pun intended) 
  • Use well established hosting sites: Why would you want to host your blog on some site, which had advertised do something that they clearly are not doing?.
  • Keep virus away: Use a well reputed anti-virus software to keep virus away from your PC as it is 85% easier for hackers to come in using a key-logger software installed on your PC manually. 
  • Use strong passwords: Use more healthier and powerful passwords which have alpha-numerical consistency. And please, don't put in your name or your birth date.
  • Use security plugins: For the betterment of your blog, use plugins which secure the blog throughout the day and send you reports about what is up with the unrecognized activity down there.

so, i will be concluding this post by saying that it is an irony that you are learning how to secure Wordpress from a Google Blogger page. ( please don't sue me Google ) 

I hope you have learned how to secure your Wordpress blog even further as Wordpress does not provide extra security or you can just change to Blogger instead. 



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