Eating with friends

Not very long ago, i went to KFC with friends and it was a blast! what you might think is "oh wow whats so great about hanging out?" well let me tell you what i noticed this time. 

I Noticed how curious people are with your life, 

Like guys, what the hell? why do you want to know about me? "are you gonna write a biography" was the question in my mind and i am pretty sure the guy wasn't. 
While i was placing an order at KFC,  a guy comes up to me and asks, are you studying in 10th? as i have finished my 9th and i am starting 10th in 13 days, i said, "yes sir, almost". 
And he goes, "Oh wow! how are your board exams going?" before i could explain my situation, he says "my son is going from 9th to 10th and he needs help with exams"  and apparently "he needs help with exams so i should tutor him" this annoyed me. 
You dont know me. You dont know if i study good. Why are you that desperate? You are worried about your sons' marks, which is fine but doing things like these annoy everyone. 
moral: people are ready to do anything for their benefit. ( not hating against anyone) 

I Noticed how people with fit limbs roam around begging. 

As an extrovert, i asked them why aren't they ready to any work when they are physically fit, they reply by saying ( translated to English from Tamil) "If you don't wanna help, just go" 
I nodded and moved away, to see an old lady with no limbs at all and i stood there for a while and noticed how dirty people looked at her just because she was poor and did not have the proper attire a normal person would usually have.She is a human too, isn't she?I helped her as much as i could, but i am not one of the Ambani's .  People with fit limbs can become tea sellers cant they? People with fit limbs can work at homes, cant they? Also the fact that most of these people are part of a cult ,usually who gather money and do unwanted stuff, really tests my patience. 

P.S. i am not hating on anyone. this is just my point of view and anyone who doesn't agree can feel free to express their opinions in the comments. 


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